November 30, 2018
One week before the change in Mexico’s presidential administration—and in the midst of rumors that the Federal Commission against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) will cease to exist as an autonomous agency and will instead be merged with the Central Ministry of Health—COFEPRIS has approved the first products containing a cannabis-related substance, which include cosmetics, dietary supplements, food, and beverages.
These approvals followed the guidelines issued on October 30, 2018, to establish the criteria for the appraisal of applications of authorizations for the commercialization, exploitation, and importation of products with broad industrial uses that contain cannabis and its derivative in concentrations less than 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). (For further reference please see our newsletter No. 62 | NOV 2018, released on November 12, 2018 and available on Olivares’ website: http://www.olivares.mx)
The short time in which these approvals were issued is surprising. COFEPRIS may want to emphasize how quickly cannabis-related approvals will be issued going forward, or the agency may have been in a rush due to the change in administration; more than likely, it is the latter explanation.
There is also a bill presently under discussion in Congress that appears to include more detailed provisions and broader criteria concerning the use of cannabis in medicinal and other products.
After many years of discussion around making some uses of cannabis legal, the approval of products containing cannabis has become a reality. The rapid developments in this area will therefore continue to be monitored by Olivares partners and associates.
This newsletter is intended only as a general discussion of the addressed issues and should not be regarded as legal advice.
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