April 29, 2020
On April 12, 2020, the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS) published on its official website the “List of procedures that are considered as priority during the health emergency derived from COVID-19[1]”
This list was updated again on April 24, 2020, a few days after Phase 3 of the pandemic was declared in Mexico.
The list classifies the procedures by code, the name of the procedure, its modality and the specific department that will be in charge of the corresponding procedure.
OLIVARES is assisting with the submission of some applications and documents, as well as monitoring of the corresponding procedures already submitted before the health authority.
Likewise, OLIVARES will continue to follow up on the announcements of COFEPRIS, with the purpose of timely providing our clients with relevant information regarding the activity of the health authority during the health emergency caused by COVID-19.