June 12, 2020
As OLIVARES previously informed, due the contingency measures adopted to prevent the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, federal and local jurisdictional authorities, suspended their activities from March 18 to June 15, 2020, leaving only shift to post guard in cases of urgency and emergency and decreed that no procedural terms would run during said period.
Now, the suspension of activities and interruption of procedural deadlines have been extended up to June 30, 2020, for:
As we previously mentioned, as from May 6, 2020 the Supreme Court of Justice, Collegiate Circuit Courts and District Courts began to hold remote sessions to solve those cases being prosecuted and pending only of the issuance of a ruling.
Likewise, as previously stated, the Supreme Court determined that as from June 1, 2020, all actions subject to its competence could be electronically filed and prosecuted.
Now, it has been announced that as from June 16, 2020 all type of actions subject to the competence of Circuit Courts, Appeal Circuit Courts, District Courts, Civil and Commercial Federal Courts may be electronically filed and prosecuted through the use of electronic signature. Additionally, it has been announced that the Courts may execute and attend hearings and judicial proceedings through videoconferences.
Regarding the Federal Court of Administrative Affairs, including the Special Chamber for Intellectual Property Matters and the Special Chamber for Environmental and Regulatory Matters, a decree has been issued stating that as from June 16, 2020, rulings for cases ready to be solved would start to be notified through the official bulletin.
The decrees announcing the above mentioned measures will be published on the Federal Official Gazette shortly.
Our firm celebrates the efforts of Mexican jurisdictional authorities for implementing the use of digital technologies in the prosecution of litigious matters, and we trust that they will be operating in a proper manner.
OLIVARES will keep monitoring and informing regarding any updates.