February 16, 2021
On February 5, 2021, two different initiatives for the Federal Film Law (“LFC”) were published in various printed media, as well as in social networks. The first one, which will be presented by Senator Susana Harp (president of the Senate’s Culture Commission) and the second one by Senator Ricardo Monreal (coordinator of MORENA’s parliamentary group).
Susana Harp’s initiative will be submitted to give continuity to Mexico’s public policy on cinematography under an institutional model that, while dispensing with the operation of trusts and mandates, does not lose the dynamism, independence, and sense of creative freedom under which cinematographic production has developed in recent decades.
The purpose of this initiative is to add four (4) articles and a transitory article to the LFC consisting of:
1) Respect for freedom of expression.
2) Promotion of cultural plurality.
3) Respect for cultural diversity.
4) Technical and economic feasibility.
5) Originality; and
6) Promotion of thematic diversity and cinematographic genres.
For the performance of its functions, IMCINE will have:
Senator Ricardo Monreal proposes new legislation to encourage the granting of tax incentives and incentives to individuals or corporations that promote the production or distribution of audiovisual works. The initiative essentially seeks the following:
Senator Monreal emphasized the importance of Articles 8 and 19 of the initiative, yet to be presented. Article 8 establishes the obligation of transmission in the original language, while Article 19 is the adaptation that has existed since the golden age of national cinema, to establish screen time for the exhibition of Mexican cinema.
Senator Monreal also added that comprehensive reform on the matter is considered necessary to update the legislation in accordance with national and international requirements. In the text of the initiative, Senator Monreal states that cinema is one of the most important arts worldwide.
Finally, it is important to mention that both initiatives have been withdrawn from the Senate for revisions, and we do not know when and if they will be approved or not.
OLIVARES will continue to actively monitor the present, and our Partner Luis C. Schmidt and his team are available for any questions or advice you may require.
Luis C. Schmidt luis.schmidt@olivares.mx; Guillermo Treviño guillermo.trevino@olivares.mx; Jaime Rodriguez jaime.rodriguez@olivares.mx; José Manuel Santin jose.santin@olivares.mx
who can be found at the following number: +52 55 5322 3000.