May 13, 2017
On April 28, 2017, the Mexican Congress took the near final step in making medicinal uses of cannabis legal in Mexico.
The Mexican Senate first approved a proposal on December 13, 2016 that had been submitted by Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto, to authorize cannabis for medicinal use. The lower chamber of the Mexican Congress approved that bill on April 28 and it is now pending publication.
The new law legalizes cannabis for medical and scientific uses, as well as marketing authorizations for medicines in which the active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other isomers, or its stereochemical variants.
The legislation will involve modifications to the General Health Law and the Federal Criminal Code. The timeline for these amendments is unknown at this stage.
After many years of investigation and discussion around making medical use of cannabis legal, this is an important development that the Partners and Associates of our firm will continue to monitor.
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