March 31, 2020
According to the decree issued on March 26th, 2020 by the Ministry of Economy and in view of the contingency measures adopted to prevent the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, all filings and terms before the National Registry of Foreign Investments (RNIE by its initials in Spanish), will not suffer any modifications, especially for the filing of quarterly reports and annual reports for companies which name starts with “A” to “J”, to be filed on April 16th and April 30th, respectively.
In order to reinforce the contingency measures adopted by the Federal Mexican Government, all filings will be through the following platform: https://rnie.economia.gob.mx or through PDF format to the following e-mail: tramites.rnie@economia.gob.mx, from Monday to Friday in a schedule from 9:00 to 18:00. In case you present the filings by e-mail, it is necessary to describe in the subject the procedure you are filing, for instance:
Inscription (Company’s Name), Quarterly Report (Company’s Name), Modification Report (Company’s Name) or Annual Report (Company’s Name).
Once the procedure is sent, you will receive a temporary electronic acknowledgement of receipt issued by the RNIE and when the contingency is over, you will be able to collect the physical acknowledgement of receipt at the offices of the Ministry of Economy.
OLIVARES is and will continue operating in accordance to our Operations Continuity Plan, guaranteeing the health and safety of our staff.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. Our OLIVARES COVID-19 Special Task Force is available to respond to the needs of our clients.