December 4, 2020
The second informative session open to the national and international market, covering the consolidated purchase of medicines and healing material for the 2021-2024 time period, was held earlier today. It was led again by leaders of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), jointly with the Institute of Health for the Welfare of the United Mexican States (INSABI) and the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS).
This session was aimed at presenting the progress in the procurement procedures for patented medicines. During the session, an announcement was made to inform that the bases for the international public tender of medicines and the invitations for the offer of medicines from single sources, generics and prioritized healing material will be published, respectively, on December 4 and 7 of this year.
OLIVARES will continue to monitor the bases and development of the bidding process by UNOPS to inform and advise our clients in the observance of their exclusive rights, free competition, and those derived from preferential conditions established in international treaties.